Ah Graduation! This event can and is (for me) one of my top ten life events. An event that is momentous and one works so hard towards it for it to pass by like a blur.
I decided to post on graduation ceremonies and give tips and tricks. This is just so my blogreaties can plan ahead and soak up every last second of the experience so you can create great memories.
These tips are for all graduates, of both high school and college. You can choose to accept them but I encourage everyone to be yourself, be creative but still abide by all rules that can be associated with it. (But at least try to push it).
I would recommend your look for the day to be clean and classic. Automatic thoughts that came to my head on graduation was just go crazy, this is my day! Now I think back and wish that I didn't dye my hair bright red! (Man what was I thinking) BUT i also regret that I didn't dress up just a little for my college graduation. My photos are reminders of my regrets. "Ewwe Red Hair" for high school and "awe, you look tired" for college.
In regards to makeup, for this occasion, it should only be used to enhance your natural beauty. This is not prom so your makeup should not copy that. Though you should work on your techniques for making your makeup last. Look into long lasting formulas and a foundation that has a SPF. You will be in the sun and your makeup should hold up for photos after.
My Suggestion - Covergirl Outlast Stay Fabulous 3-in-1 Foundation: Primer, concealer and foundation in one. The coverage is fantastic and the finish is flawless, plus it has an spf of 20.
Keep application light and even if the makeup makeup melts a bit it will give a flawless natural look for the photos at the end.
For hair - also keep it simple and classic. I put rollers in for cute face framing curls. Stay away from up-dos. You want to keep the top of your head flat and minimal on product to put your cap on and stay in place for ceremony. Since the cap is so close you will get major hat hair.

If you do not want ruin your cap or want to regret your design, electrical, painters and or duct tape should do the trick. These types of tape are sticky yet removable with minimal residue.
Here are my BIG tips for you.
- Tip #1 - Know and the follow the Rules. - This is for you and for your friends and family. All ceremonies have rules and they all have the consequence of to either not participate or be ask to leave. Read the commencement website if they have one and/or call the hotline provided on the information you get regarding the ceremony. Read the rules on decorating your cap and things like that. Also I don't know what else will be the fastest way to piss off family members if they get to the front of the line and find out that the balloons they brought are not permitted and they have to bring it BACK to the car.
- Rules to ask about:
- what guests are allowed to bring to the venue (i.e. strollers, balloons, coolers etc.)
- what you can or cannot wear and/or put to decorate your cap & gown.
- What time to tell your guest to show up. ( you don't want to be embarrassed that YOUR family are the disruptive late ones)
- Tip #2 Wear Sunscreen - Must must must!!! Your guests may be undercover but you the graduates will not. You can even get sunburned on a cloudy day. Sometimes they have photographers there to take a pic when you receive the diploma and you do not wan to look like a sunburned frat boy. (yes, that happened to me :(
- Tip #3 Wear Comfortable SHOES!!! - Your gowns are based on height if you need to wear heels because of your gown then you need to get ANOTHER gown. Think about it, you will be standing in line for sometimes up to 2 hours prior to walking out and it won't be on smooth pavement. Your procession may have you walking on gravel and/or uneven flooring. Your Louboutins will kill your feet and any hopes to have happy memories.
Congratulations, Graduates! Have Fun - I would love to read comments on your experiences. Also tell me if you agree with my suggestions.