Disclaimer: Views expressed on this post are my own and of my comrades who went with me and DO NOT express the views of GenBeauty and/or Ipsy.
Blogreaties you can guess that this post may not necessarily be a stellar review on the event. :( I know you want to see the Haul but that will be in the next post (which i assure you is GOOD)
The words I will put out on the event would be, Disorganized, Hot, Exhausting, and Confusing.
DISORGANIZED: We arrived to LA Live at 7:45 am, streched out legs and picked up some grub at the nearby starbucks. According to the website, registartation was to start at 9am. Um No that didn't happen. There were no signs on where to go, LA Live security placed around the building who didn't even know what event we were talking about. I just kept thinking
"Just keep smiling, just keep smiling." I know that there was pre-registration the night before so we did see women with the pink placards around their neck. I knew we were in the right place. We followed them into a parking structure and saw them check-in with a security guy with a clip board. I asked him if this is the Generation Beauty event and where do we check in. "I dunno," he said. [Tip: "Just keep smiling, just keep smiling." You can catch more fly with honey than vinegar, be polite when asking questions] This was the enterance and it started the game of "What time is check in?" 9am? 10? 10:30? Who really knows. But we knew FORM THE LINE!
HOT: The event was located on top of the parking structure. We were allowed to walk up there after a hap hazzard registration process while standing in line in a parking lot. We should have just stayed in the parking structure. But hey I was excited. We run up the stairs and was greeted with music and white light. That light was the sun and we were in LA on pavement HOT HOT HOT.
[Tip: Bring some sort of sun cover and wear sunscreen!] It was still going to be another hour before they open the doors. All of the covers were for the people standing in line to check in. But since they did that downstairs everybody was standing in the open sun waiting for the doors to open.
EXHAUSTING: Standing in lines Line lines lines! Who is more exhausted? my *bleeping* cell phone. Hashtag this, post that, take a selfie with this product, all of this for a chance to win a free product? My battery was yellow by mid day. [Tip: Bring a Portable Charger for your cell] It was funny, the first day you can see all the girls wear their high heels and look tall and glamourous. Day two those same girls FLATS all the way. [Tip: Wear comfortable shoes, you will be standing A LOT] There were not many places to sit or hang out inside. Every seat was an oasis and not to mention designed for photos ops galore. So you couldn't sit there long because other people wanted to take pictures in the seats.
CONFUSING: I kept calling it a Beauty Conference. Conferences are suppose to be for networking , meet people in person that are in the same line of interests in hopes to make connections around the country. Well these "seminars" were a joke. None of the presenters were prepared. Scheduled topics turned into Q&A session SNORE!!! People we know more about these people because we watch them everyday on YouTube! I already know what inspires them or what their favorite makeup product is. I pretty mush spent money to technically watch my youtube channels live! :( Well you would assume that the brands would have MAD sales and discounts. NOPE! what?!? you're not selling products. Really the only brand that was selling products was crown brush. That has an interesting story that I can have at the very end after this.
IPSY IF YOU ARE READING THIS - TAKE NOTES! Final Thoughts: Ipsy you will need to get your *bleep* straight. If you want to inspire your attendees and build up the YouTube Beauty Universe, I suggest to go old SChool. Take away the cell phones make the attendees see real people and force us to talk to each other. We spend our time glued to the screens watching youtube, I personally didn't want to go to LA to be glued to another screen (my Cell) to network. Have smaller tents around the main one to separate vendors and seminars. Music was playing in the big tent during these seminars. The poor gurus couldn't hear us and we were sure crowded enough to strain to hear them. Have More coverage for your attendees, bigger eating areas with shade. Have a charging station for our cell phones. Can we charge our phones while we are watching youtube videos from the guest Beauty gurus? I made a goal to atleast meet the gurus that I watch daily and I did that. Thanks to GenBeauty it did make me think. It sadly made me rethink if I really want to get in this business. But rest assured the ones I was actually able to meet and take pics with were everything I hope they would be. THANK GAWD. These very appreciative thank you's go to Promise Phan (dope2111) Judy and Benjmin Travis (ItsJudyTime & BenjiManTV) I will definitely keep following.

SCroll Down for the DIRT
I am sorry Michelle Phan but thanks to GenBeauty it made us think of you differently. Really? This is your thing, you are the front face of ipsy and you didn't prepare anything? We have known about this for a year and you couldn't have your team prepare something to keep the facade? Boo to you Michelle Phan.
Boo to the Food Trucks! We went to this truck that I guess was a asian/indian/mexican cuisine (bad food choices ipsy) everything was way to heavy and hot to scarf down in heat and be expected to feel beauty after it? I ordered a simple teriyaki chicken and rice. 8 bucks
Eww M-R-E's are more appetizing than this. Check out the liquid piling up in the back! GROSS The Chicken was boiled more than the rice.
Boo to the planners of the schedules and planners of the perks. You know that ItsJudyTime is uber popular by having FOUR channels on youtube. Did you really need to schedule her meet and greet a half hour before the Free Swag Give outs? I assume you made everyone including Judy feel bad by not having enough time. And the Perks, a poor model who was working all day was denied her goody bag because she was a worker even though she legitimately had a ticket to get one. Ipsy I would pay more If I knew there were different stages of perks. Maybe 40 bucks more on the ticket would get me full size products, access to front of the lines and free makeover. Just a thought.
Would I go again? Maybe. I would definitely go to IMATS over GenBeauty. Atleast IMATs I could buy what i wanted at the end of their lines. Is the free stuff worth it? YES! My friend Annette was happy. Stay tuned for the next Generation Beauty 2014 post because it's all about the HAUL!