Ah tis the season, PROM!
It has been a few years since my own prom. (I am not going to say how many) But man I wish I could do it all again. Honestly, my prom wasn’t the best formal
dance I attended during my high school
years but please don’t tell that to my date (who happens to be my NOW husband)
My senior year was crazy I was finishing all I had to do
from high school while setting up my life for the next few years for college. I wish I could tell you that I spent all day
in preparation for this big day like a typical girl but sadly no. It was my senior year, I was involved in
extracurricular activities, theatre, science club and ROTC which all had things
that needed to be done that very same day.
So I had no time to get prim or proper.
Looking at that picture, did I even wear makeup that night?
My skin freaked out that week, I was so busy and stressed that I broke
out. Back then I didn’t wear makeup and
man I wish I did. This makeup look is
something I wish I DID do. This makeup
is simple but fun, will last the night and is all affordable drugstore brands
Foundation -
Cover Girl Outlast Stay Fabulous 3 in 1 Foundation (842 – Medium
4. Cover Girl Cheekers Blush (150
– Party Peach)
Powder – NYX Stay Matte Not Flat (SMP03 – Natural)
5. ELF Shimmering Facial Whip
Bronzer/Contour – ELF Contouring Blush & Bronzer
Powder (blushed/bronzed)
NOT pictured: Cover Girl + Olay Concealer Balm (350 Medium)
I opted for no primer because the cover girl foundation works so well to cover and last. Due to excess oil (I was an oil slick in high school) I blotted any oil from the face after I put on my foundation and concealer. It helps set the makeup and make it look more like skin than makeup. I set with powder contoured and blushed.
For those that are intimidated by makeup looks this is very easy that doesn't really take a professional artist to do. I primed the lid only for the lasting powers and the fact that there is alot of eyeshadow on these lids. I put (2) in my crease not precise just so that color can be seen with my eyes open. I CAREFULLY patted (4) on the lid. ( you will have to brush the excess on your cheek). I put (3) below (2) in the crease you can blend the colors but if you don't it won't make a difference. Now the Color! My suggestion is to pick a color that will accent your dress but I love me some purple

All of these eye products are drugstore brands that can be found at CVS, walgreens, riteaid, walmart and target. This look can last the night but even if it doesn't it can settle into a rockin' smokey eye that will still look great in photos. Don't worry you can add fake eyelashes but most can be very intimidating that I reccommend you practice weeks before if you are new to them. Waterproof mascara is a solid be.
Primer – Eyeshadow Base (skintone)
– NYC Sparkle Eye Dust (opal dust)
Eyeshadow – Milani Powder Eyeshadow (11
Caramel Brown)
Lower liner - Jordana Glitter Rocks Retractable Eyeliner & L'oreal 24hr Infalliable eyeshadow - 555 Purple
Eyeshadow – Milani powder Eyeshadow (04 Brown
Eyeliner – Milani Eye Tech Eyeliner
Eyeshaow – NYC Sparkle Eye Dust (Amber Glitz)
lower – L’oreal Telescopic Shocking Extensions waterproof
Mascara upper – Almay One Coat Get up &
Grow waterproof
I used (6) to line and set the lower eye and added a bit on the upper line to peek through above the black eyeliner (7). If you have great eyebrows "Lucky You!" but I needed to show I have brown brows not grey. Apply your mascara and my favorite touch was to add (5) to the inner corner of the eye (it totally helps and make the eyes big and bright, which you will need by the end of the night WHATEVER may happen, Now you are done with the eyes.
This it totally optional but instead of adding glitter of a funky gem by the eyes I took (5) from the face makeup to add a gleam to my upper cheeks. Lipstick is not going to last regardless of lasting power but for pics it should be bright! it looks young and fun! I used revlon's Colorburst matte balm in 205 Elusive matte last longer and has a staining effect that can last regardless if you reapply. To match the sparkle I added gloss Rimmel Stay glossy.

But wait! wait Prom is not only about the face but the hair! What do i do about the hair. If you look at my prom pic, diregard the fact that I have no makeup on but what was I thinking on the hair. I think back then I rolled my hair into old cardboard rolls that gave me a nice wave but SO did not last. I loved my long hair i wanted to show it off plus I didn't have the time to go to a salon for a banging up do. I do reccommend to pin back the hair somehow. Letting the hair down is great but will fall flat by pictures. ringlets, side swept bangs things like that will get greasy throught the night and fall in front of your face. Pin it back if you could.
Borrow hot rollers if you don't have them it's quick & easy. It will give you curly body that will fall but give you beautyful waves at the end of the night.
After taking out the curls I sprayed my hair with a dry shampoo this will absorb the natural oils and keep the hold to tease the crown of your hair. I

I teased the front and used 2 bobby pins to pin down the front hair and let the rest of the hair fall creating a girly curly do. Set with hair spary.
This is not about the dress. The dress is everyones'n individual choice. I wish i could have pushed the limit. I think I recall someone dressed up in a older historical style dress i think it was Irene. But thats is what i remember. years later i can't tell you what my friends wore, my own dress was lavender I got from a mall from a store that closed months later. My shoes were white and were the same shoes that i wore in junior high.
Final recommendations:
- Bring your ID (bring school and state ID) and the school does care who your date is so regardless they should have ID on them too.
- Try to cram those Dr. Scholls flats in your tiny purse. Your feet will love you for it.
- Have cash on you but not a wad but talk to your parents, I reccommend to bring those refilliable credit cards. (just in case ladies you never know what will happen on prom night. It can read as good or bad.)
- makeup wise I think you will only have time ans space in your purse for lip gloss and a powder compact for a mirror or blotting sheets it's the only thing that you can give a guy that they will find cool and play with to eliminate shine. clean and clear blotting sheets, you guys can watch them tun clear from the oil, its fun while you are waiting for pictures.
- Bring a camera, yes you will have your cell but that battery will be sucked dry by the end of the night with instagramming posting and taking selfies.

Its prom make it a night to remember. I spoke to my date/husband about the night. He couldn't remember anything about it (that refreshing :{) I remember moments but it was nothing actually about the prom. I am glad I went, i can say that I went but that was it. So take it from a girl who thinks back to her prom as a night of regrets from schedule of event that day, to makeup, hair to the end, where we ended the night falling asleep at dennys, make it memorable.